How New Technologies Impact Personal Finance and Individual Wealth


Example Paper on Personal Finance and Individual Wealth

Technology affects several facets of personal financial planning in this digital age. Bitcoin, robo-advisors, fintech apps, and mobile banking are examples of how technology has changed personal finance (Nam, 2023). This section should highlight how technology innovations have accelerated processes, expanded access to financial services, and created new savings and investment opportunities, according to Zhao (2021). The article may also explore personal financial technology risks and difficulties. Data privacy, cybersecurity, and the downfall of traditional institutions may be concerns.

How Behavioral Economics Affect Personal Financial Decision-Making

This issue examines how psychology and economics interact and how behavioral economics affects financial decisions. Abideen et al. (2023) advise studying how heuristics, cognitive biases, and emotions affect financial decision-making. The essay could investigate behavioral economics to improve financial education laws and initiatives. It may also involve activities people might take to avoid behavioral traps and make smart financial decisions. Combining psychology and economics with a multidisciplinary approach can help explain people’s financial actions.

Student Loans and Their Long-Term Effects on Personal Finances

The essay could examine the rising expense of college, why students decide to take out loans, and how recent graduates struggle to repay their obligations.  Future studies may examine the relationship between student loan debt and other life events, including marriage, homeownership, and retirement savings. The article may discuss legislative challenges, proposed solutions, and student loan debt’s social and economic effects on individual budgets.

The Role of Diversification in Personal Investment Portfolios

This paper could examine a key investing strategy concept emphasizing diversification in individual investment portfolios. An essay could discuss asset allocation, risk management, and investment return variety. Alternative investments and how portfolio variety can improve stock, bond, real estate, and other asset values may be discussed. The essay may also examine real-world case studies and diverse portfolio performance in different economic conditions. This topic is crucial to personal finance and helps build and manage a diversified investment portfolio.


Abideen, Z. U., Ahmed, Z., Qiu, H., & Zhao, Y. (2023). Do Behavioral Biases Affect Investors’ Investment Decision Making? Evidence from the Pakistani Equity Market. Risks11(6), 109.

Nam, N. H. (2023). Impact of cryptocurrencies on financial markets. The VMOST Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities65(2), 03-15.

Zhao, L. (2021). The function and impact of cryptocurrency and data technology in the context of financial technology: introduction to the issue. Financial innovation7(1), 1-3.